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torf|spinning 1017 totalbild
dry grinding; ~spinning (text.) dry
spinning; ~sprickor (trävirke) sun-shakes;
~sprit methylated spirit tablet[s]; Meta tablet[s];
~sprutning (plast.) dry extrusion; (text.)
dry spinning; (emalj tekn.) dusty spray;
~steriliserings skåp dry sterilizing cupboard;
~styrka dry strength; ~stämpel dry stamp
torrsubstans dry (solid) matter, solids pl., dry
substance; total solids, (förk.) T.S.;
~bestämning determination of dry-matter
percentage; ~gummi dry rubber content;
~halt dry solids content
torr|tryck dry stamping; ~tänkt; ~ tänkt massa
absolutely dry pulp; stänkt vikt net weight;
absolutely dry weight; outsugning
(borrning) dry suction; ~ventil (elektron.) dry
(contact, metallic) rectifier; svetslikriktare med
~ventiler metal rectifier welding set; ~vikt
dry (net) weight, net weight when dry;
ovo-lymvikt se ~vikt; ~vulk dry (hot) air cure,
dry heat Vulcanization (cure); ~ämneshalt
content of dry matter, dry-matter content
torsdagsorden; Svensk Torsdags Orden, STO the
Swedish Thursday Order
torsion (fys.) torsion
torsions|belastning torsional stress, stress in
torsion; ~fjäder torsion spring;
~hållfasthet torsional strength; ~instrument torsion
instrument; ~kraftvärde se ~belastning;
~modul stiffness in torsion; ~ moment
torsion torque; ~prov torsion test;
~prov-apparat torsional strength tester; ~slagprov
torsion impact test; ~stav torsion bar;
~stavupphängning torsion bar suspension;
~stötdämpare torsional shock absorber;
~svängning torsional vibration;
~svängningsmätare torsion vibration testing
machine; ~tålighet torsion resistance;
~upp-hängning torsion suspension; ~våg torsion
torsk cod, codfish; saltad ~ salt cod; ~båt
codfishing boat; ~fiskare codfisher; ~fångst
catch of cod, cod-catch; ~garn cod net;
~lever cod liver; ~leverolja cod-liver oil;
~rev cod line; ~torkeri cod-drying
torusresonator (elektron.) ~humbatron
torv peat; (äv.) turf, muck; påföra ~ på fastmark
to add peat soil to mineral soil; ~arbetare
peat worker (cutter); ~arbete peat[-digging]
work, work within the peat industry; oaska
peat ash[es]; ~bekläda to turf, to lay with
turf; ~beklädnad sod; ~bildande
peat-forming; ~bildning peat formation; ~borr
peat borer (auger, sampler); obrikett peat
briquette, briquetted (compressed) peat;
~bränsle peat fuel; ~dike ditch with bottom
channel covered by peat blocks; ~eld peat
(turf) fire; ~fabrikant peat-maker; ~fiber
peat fibre; ~förädling; AB Svensk T
~förädling the Swedish Peat Development Co., Ltd. ;
~gas peat gas; ~grävning peat-digging
(-winning); ~grävverk; automatiskt ~grävverk
automatic peat digging machine; ~hacka
peat hoe; ~haltig peaty, containing peat;
~inblandning addition (adding) of peat soil
to mineral soil; ~industri peat industry;
Toindustriförbundet the Employers’ F
ederation of the Swedish Peat Industry;
Toindustriförbundet r.f. (Helsingfors) the Peat
Industry Association; ~industri maskiner peat
machinery; ~ jord peaty (peat) soil; mull- och
~jord peaty soil[s]; ~koks peat coke; ~kol
peat charcoal; (äv.) carbonized peat, moor
coal; ~kolning peat charring, charring
(carbonization) of peat; olager peat layer,
layer of peat; ~ mark se ojord;
~marks-utveckling; progressiv omarksutveckling
progressive extension (drying up) of bog etc. by
natural growth; ~maskin peat machine;
~mjöl peat dust; omosse peat bog (moor);
~mull peat mould (peat-moss litter, dust,
tailings pl.); ~ mulls bädd peat-mould bed;
~mästare peat foreman; ~papper peat
paper; ~press peat compressor; ~pulver
powdered peat; ~pulvermaskin peat-powder
machinery; ~skärning peat-cutting; ospade
peat spade; ostack peat stack
torvströ peat (peat-moss, moss) litter, peat moss,
litter; ~fabrik peat-litter factory; ~gödsel
manure with peat litter; ~industri peat-litter
industry; omosse peat-litter bog; ~press
peat litter press; orivare machine for
shredding peat
torv|tak turf roof; ~teknik peat technology;
~tjära peat tar; ~torkningsapparat peat
dryer; ~täkt, ~upptagning peat-digging
(-cutting), winning of peat
total adj. total, complete, entire; de ~a
investeringarna the volume of investment; the total
investment; den ~a produktionsökningen the
increase in total production; det ~a födelsetalet
the total birth rate; ~ folkmängd total
population (number of persons); ~ fruktsamhet
(demograf) total fertility; ~a intäkter total
receipts (earnings, takings, proceeds; yield,
profit, return); ~ jonisation total ionization;
~a kostnader total costs; ~a kostnader för
rörelsen gross operating expenses; ~t krig
total (totalitarian) war (warfare); ~ längd total
(overall) length; ~ påfrestning total stress;
~a skulder total liabilities; ~t tryck total
pressure; ~t tvärsnitt total cross section;
~ tågvikt (inkl. lok) total weight (gross load)
of a train; ~ verkningsgrad overall efficiency;
~t adv. in all, altogether, totally, completely,
entirely; (bokför.) all items; ~t eller partiellt
wholly or partly (in part); ~t sett on the
whole, overall, [all] in all, altogether, all
being counted, as a whole, all things
considered, considering everything, taking all
this (taking everything) into consideration,
in the aggregate; tullsatserna ~t sett the overall
tariff rates; ~t 1.000 kronor a total of
Sw. Kr. 1,000; utgifterna uppgår ~t till the
expenses total
total|- total, aggregate; overall, general;
~ar-vode total (all inclusive) fee; ~avgift total
charge; ~avkastning total yield; obefrakta
to charter in full, to charter by the bulk;
obefraktning full cargo charter;
~belastning total load; ~belopp total (aggregate,
entire, whole) amount, sum (grand) total,
total sum, total, aggregate; ~beloppet skulder
aggregate debts; ~betalningar total
payments ; ~bild general (overall) view (picture);
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