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FBU 1359 feromon
Base Logistical Support School; FBU
(Frivilliga ’Befälsutbildningen; Centralförbundet för
Befälsutbildning,, CFB) the [Swedish] Central
Federation for Voluntary Military Training;
FC (Författarcentrum) the Swedish Writers’
Employment Service; FCF (Försvarets
Civilförvaltning) the Civil Administration of the
[Swedish] Armed Forces; FCO (facklig
centralorganisation) regional trade union organization;
FCTF (Försvarets Civila Tjänstemannaförbund)
the Union of Civilian Salaried Employees in
Defence Establishments; FD (filosofie doktor)
Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., P.D., D.Ph.,
D.P., D.Phil., Dr.Phil.; FD
(Försäkringsdomstolen ) the National [Swedish] Social Insurance
Court; FDC (förstadagsbrev) first day cover;
FDN (Från Departement och Nämnder) From
Departments and Boards [Swedish
Government Information Service publication]
feedback (psyk.: återkoppling) feedback
FEF (Företagsekonomiska Föreningen) the
Business Management Society
fel|analys error analysis; ~avhjälpare
trouble-shooter; ~avhjälpning troubleshooting;
~behandling (av patient) malpractice;
~be-handlingsförsäkring (med.) malpractice
insurance; ~bestämning troubleshooting;
~bokning accounting error; korrigering av
~bokningar correction of accounting errors;
~funktion malfunction, dysfunction; error
function, ERF; oinriktning; oinriktning av
[produktions]resurser misallocation of resources;
oinvestering bad investment, misinvestment,
misdirected investment (capital expenditure,
spending for capital purposes), investment
failure, capital badly invested, misconceived
capital project; (äv.) poor (unsound,
miscalculated, misjudged, misplaced) investment;
~jakt troubleshooting; ~kontrollerande;
systematisk ~ kontrollerande kod (data) systematic
error checking code
felkorrjektion; automatisk sektion (data)
auto-patch; oigerande; ~igerande kod (data)
error correcting code; ~igerandeprogram (data)
error correcting program; oigering error
correction; adjustment of errors
fel|lokalisering (data etc.) fault localization,
localization of a fault; diagnosis;
troubleshooting; ~mata (data) to misfeed;
~matning (data) misfeed; ~mängd (matem.)
error range; oparkerad wrongly parked;
oprestation (psykoanal.) Freudian slip [of
the tongue or of memory], parapraxia (pl.
parapraxias), parapraxis (pl. parapraxes); (äv.)
faulty act, blunder, lapse; ~rutin (data)
debugging routine; ~räkning miscalculation;
~räkningspengar (kassörs) riskY money;
~ställning (odont.) occlusal disharmony,
malocclusion, malposition, occlusion abnormality,
abnormal occlusion; ~säker fail-safe
felsök|a to troubleshoot; ~ande; ~ande kod
(teckenrepresentation ) (data ) error-detecting
code; ~are troubleshooter; ~ningsprogram
(data) tracing routine; fault-spotting program
fel|teori theory of errors; ~tolka (äv.) to slant,
to bias, to angle, to twist, to give a certain angle
to; out jämningsberäkning computation
of an adjustment; ~översätta to mistranslate
fem; luftens ~ friheter (lufttrafikavtal) the five
freedoms of the air; ~hundraårs jubileum
five-hundredth (500th) anniversary [-[celebration]; -] {+[celebra-
tion]; +} quincentenary, quingentenary;
ohörning pentagon
feminiser|a to feminize; ~ing feminization
feministrörelsen Women’s Liberation [-Movement],-] {+Move-
ment],+} WLM; Fem Lib, Femlib; the Feminist
Liberation; anhängare av ~ libber, feminist;
Women’s Liberationism Women’s-Libber
fem|kantig; regelbundet ~kantig byggnadskropp
(pentagon) pentagon; oma; betyg med bara j :or
straight-A report; studerande (student) med bara
j :or i betyget straight-A student;
omaktsöver-läggningar five-power talks; omannalag
five-man team; ~ställig (matem.) five-digit,
five-figure; five-place; pentadic
femte; ~ frihetsflygningar (i lufttrafikavtal) fifth
freedom flights; ~ hjul (fig.: överflödig person)
fifth wheel; ~ världen (utvecklingsländer nästan
helt utan egna resurser) the Fifth World;
~grads-ekvation quintic equation, equation of the
fifth degree; ~kolonn (pol.) fifth column;
~kolonnare fifth columnist
femtielva umpteen, innumerable
femti[o]|åring fifty-year-old man (woman), man
(woman) of fifty [years of age],
quinquagenarian; ~årsjubileum fiftieth (50th)
anniversary [celebration], quinquagenary;
oårs-protokoll (statsförv.) [the] fifty-year minutes
kept at a King-in-Council meeting [classified
for fifty years after issue]
femto, ~ (mått) femto,
~femtonsskala (mus.) pentatonic scale
femtonårs I - quindecennial; fifteen-year; ~
jubileum quindecennial; fifteen-year anniversary
femvärd (kem.) pentavalent, quinquevalent,
femårs Ifemårig quinquennial; five-year;
~avtal five-year agreement; ~budget; rullande
~budget rolling five-year budget; ~jubileum
quinquennial; five-year anniversary; operiod
quinquennium, quinquenniad; five-year
period; ~plan five-year plan
feno|log phenologist; ologi (biokronometri)
phenology; ologisk adj. phenological
fenomeno|log phenomenologist; ologi (läran
om fenomenen, företeelserna) phenomenology
fenomenologisk phenomenologic[al];
elektrodynamik phenomenological
electrodynamics; ~t fält phenomenal field, PF; ~a
förhållanden phenomenological relations
(equations); ~ koefficient phenomenological
(kinetic) coefficient; ~a metoder
phenomenological approaches; ~ teori
phenomenological (continuum) theory
fenoxi|harts phenoxy resin; ~plast phenoxy
plastic; ~syra phenoxy acid; (äv.)
trichloro-phenoxyacetic acid
fenyl|alanin (kem.) phenylalanine, Phe;
~-endiamin phenylenediamine
fermion (Fermi-partikel) particle with
half-integer spin
feromon (luktämne hos insekter etc.) pheromone
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