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Tema Literary Societies

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Tema Literary Societies

Literary societies are devoted to the reading and study of a particular author. According to a survey made by Bure Holmbäck of DELS in 1996, there are 90 such literary societies in Sweden. This survey was sponsored and made available by Statens kulturråd, but is no longer available online.

Do you have a literary society, devoted to a Nordic Author? It would be nice to be on the web, but you need more time to set up a web site of your own? You are not alone. You can join the growing number of societies that use Project Runeberg for free web space.

Projekt Runeberg erbjuder en gratis websida åt varje litterärt sällskap som ägnar sig åt någon nordisk författare. Bara i Sverige finns 90 litterära sällskap, enligt statens kulturråds katalog, som är sammanställd av Bure Holmbäck, DELS.

Se även de litterära sällskap som presenteras av Svensk Bokhandel.

Nordic Authors from Project Runeberg

Project Runeberg, Wed Jun 5 22:27:00 2024 (aronsson) (download) << Previous Next >>

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