Thematic Entries to Project Runeberg
by Lars Aronsson, October 2002
Project Runeberg publishes free
electronic editions of classic Nordic literature on the Internet. In
our first ten years (1992-2002) we have put some 300 titles online,
all of which are listed in our
catalog. In addition to this, we also publish presentations of a
growing collection of Nordic
Authors. Both titles and authors can be found from the search page.
Sometimes it is more convenient to have a collected thematic entry
to books and people, and this is the need that this section, most
often referred to as Tema, tries to address. Since its start
on September 20, 1997, some 50 thematic entries have been created,
each having a web page within the section, as listed below, with links
leading to and from our published titles and author presentations.
While the current setup does work, it has not been the complete
success that we originally hoped. Some flaws are inherent in its
current design. The creation of new thematic entries and links is a
manual work that can only be done my our editors, not directly by
volunteers or the general public. Suggestions for improvement have to
be submitted by email, and an editor has to respond to this email.
This might be the single most important reason to the limited growth.
Further, the design does not facilitate for direct connections between
a thematic entry and a part (chapter or article) of a published work.
And finally, it is not clear whether an entry should be named and
described in English, Swedish, some other language, or more languages
than one.
Since 2001, the new application of wiki (user-edited) websites as
general purpose knowledge resources, as demonstrated by Wikipedia and the Swedish, has provided a far more
flexible tool for the problem originally addressed by Project
Runeberg's Tema section. Project
Runeberg's own wiki website is an early attempt to investigate how
this technology can be adopted to our needs. More work and analysis
is still needed in this direction. For the moment, both Tema and wiki
are used in parallel.
If you have any suggestions for improval, you are welcome to contact Project Runeberg.
Innehåll / Indhold / Innhold / Sisällys / Table of Contents
Tema Aniara-priset
Tema Almanacs and calendars
Tema Americana
Tema Architecture and Construction
Tema Art
Tema Biography and Genealogy
Tema Biology
Tema Business and Economy
Tema Maps and cartography
Tema Chemistry
Tema Children's books
Tema Children's TV Shows
Tema China
Tema Christian Literature
Tema Computing
Tema Congo
Tema Christmas
Tema Cooking
Tema Danish Literature
Tema Dictionaries
Tema Drama, Theater Plays
Tema Electricity
Tema Estonia
Tema Esperanto
Tema Exploration
Tema Fables
Tema Female Writers
Tema Finnish Literature
Tema France
Tema Frihetstiden (Sweden 1719-1772)
Tema Gardening
Tema Geography
Tema German literature
Tema Greenland
Tema Göteborg
Tema Heimdals folkskrifter
Tema Helgelseförbundet
Tema The Holy Land
Tema Hunting and wildlife
Tema India
Tema Icelandic Literature
Tema Jönköping
Tema København
Tema Language
Tema Latvia
Tema Literary Societies
Tema Lunning Prize winners
Tema Mechanical Engineering
Tema Medicine
Tema Metals
Tema Middle Ages
Tema Music
Tema Nature
Tema Nobel Prize
Tema Norwegian Literature
Tema Närke
Tema Oslo
Tema Periodicals
Tema Philosophy
Tema Physics
Tema Polar Exploration
Tema Politics
Tema Printing and typography
Tema Railroads
Tema Alphabet books and readers
Tema Reference
Tema Renaissance and Reformation
Tema Runic inscriptions
Tema Russia
Tema Sveriges allmänna konstförening
Tema Sápmi and the Sami
Tema Science
Tema Science Fiction
Tema Sveriges kristliga studentrörelses skriftserie
Tema Slavery
Tema Småland
Tema Statistics
Tema Stockholm
Tema Studentersamfundets Smaaskrifter
Tema Svenska Akademien
Tema Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet
Tema Tekniskt folkbibliotek
Tema Teknografiska institutet
Tema Telecom
Tema Textbooks for schools
Tema Textiles
Tema Tradition: Myths, Tales, Songs
Tema Trolls
Tema Turkey
Tema Bibliothek for de tusen hjem
Tema Universities
Tema Uppland
Tema Verdandis småskrifter
Tema Vikings
Tema Värmland
Tema Västmanland
Tema War
Tema Who is who
Tema Woodworking
Tema Östergötland
Tema Övralidspriset
Project Runeberg, Thu Dec 16 07:15:36 2004
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